segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2016


"You say that emotions are overrated. But that's bullshit. Emotions are all we've got."

I've said, more than once, things about feelings, gestures and stuff. I'm a sentimental person, you know, it's not like something I can choose. I just am. And then I've chosen this movie, "Youth", to watch at the cinema. And the thing is: the movie is all about how people deal with their crap.
Young people, as they show, are up to everything: adventures, huge emotions and relationships. But the old folks seem to hide from these things. They rather become neuter and apathetic than live a big amount of hapiness or a big amount of sadness. You may say it's obvious to avoid sadness, but I don't think I do it now or I'll do it when I get older.
The reasons for this apathy can vary a lot. Maybe, old people are afraid of suffering, because they've suffered a lot before. Or maybe they're just tired of making an effort to understand what feelings are all about. I don't know. But, in fact, I strongly agree with Mick Boyle. Emotions are all we've got. Actually, they're all we are. So, if you avoid emotions, you have nothing. You are nothing.