sexta-feira, 24 de julho de 2015

The Importance of Slowing Down

In a world where everything gets faster and faster - and I wonder where all this speed is going to lead us -, we almost don't have time to feel anything. Almost.
Actually, it occurs to me that the real fact is that we don't want to have time to think and feel most of our feelings, because we're afraid of their effects on us.
And this "avoiding" fits both bad and good feelings. For example: Falling in love. People are afraid of it, these days, because, despite the fact that it's an amazing feeling, it's a hard thing to deal with, it can hurt you. A lot. So, we rather talk to people on the internet, choose one to hang out one day and bye bye, next, next, and next.
If we think about a bad feeling, it's even easier to desire a distraction. Take pictures, watch movies on the internet, whatever it takes to change the focus.
So, we look for something to do all the time, and we're always in a hurry, and demanding things very fast.
When we slow things down, we feel everything. The emotions have space and time to appear, to overrun our hearts and minds. It's important to have these moments, to really feel what is inside of us.
Even if we think about it literally: Try to walk slowly (really slowly), inside your house, with your eyes closed (or not, but try not to get distracted) and no shoes. Feel your toes touching the floor and the lack of control of your own body. It's almost like to be released.

I'm slowing down now.

P.S.: What a shitty text. But I don't care, I'm still guilt-free, rs.

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